I can't open the desktop app. What can I do?
- English Version
- 中文
Sometimes, if you click on the Heptabase app but the screen is blank and you can't enter Heptabase, it may be due to an error that occurred during the installation or update of Heptabase.
In this case, we suggest you first uninstall, reboot your device, and go to the official website to re-download and install the latest version.
If the problem is not resolved, please send an email to support@heptabase.com, or seek assistance from team members in the Discord Community.
有時候,如果你點擊了程式,但畫面一片空白,無法進入 Heptabase 裡面,有可能是因為在安裝或更新 Heptabase 時發生了錯誤。
若問題仍未解決,請寄信到 support@heptabase.com ,或者是到 Discord 社群中尋求團隊成員的協助。