March 24, 2025
- Fixed an issue where some user can't login to Heptabase in v1.53.8
You can download the latest version here.
March 24, 2025
- Prevent Ctrl/Cmd + W from closing a pinned tab.
- Fixed the data inconsistency issue that occurred when multiple windows were open.
- Fixed the flickering issue with the mindmap when users collaborate on the whiteboard.
- Fixed the issue where pasting media into the editor would result in a redundant image placeholder.
- Fixed the issue in Safari where typing in Chinese would cause the style or bullet points to disappear.
- Improved performance when switching to a collaborator's workspace.
Mobile App v1.26.5.2
- Fixed some style and color issues.
- Fixed the issue where Android users couldn't see bold text in Chinese.
March 13, 2025
- Fixed the issue where the custom tag filter was not functioning.
- Improved the performance of edit locks in collaborative card.
March 11, 2025
- Fixed an issue where users couldn't scroll through the highlights in the right sidebar of the Highlight app.
March 11, 2025
- Reduced wait time when switching to another collaborator's workspace.
- Enhanced data consistency by resolving cross-device issues.
- Fixed some backend issues and improved overall stability.
Mobile App v1.26.5
March 11, 2025
- Fixed some backend issues and improved overall stability.
Mobile App v1.26.4.1
March 7, 2025
- Improve overall loading experience
- Fixed the issue where there would sometimes be two loading screens when entering the whiteboard.
- Fixed the styling issue on the import panel.
- Fixed the icon color issue in the editor.
- Fixed the jittering issue when typing.
- Fixed the issue where users could create tags using uppercase letters.
- Fixed the bottom sheet issue that occurred when reduced motion was enabled on Android devices.
Web Clipper v1.4.0
March 4, 2025
- Web Clipper: Better image capture, capture youtube videos
March 1, 2025
- Fixed an issue that prevented images from loading under certain situations.
- Fixed an issue where clicking on the "Appears in X whiteboards" info didn’t work when full-title folded cards were focused.
- Fixed an issue where some users mistakenly saw an unreleased "bring your own key" option.
Mobile App v1.26.3.1
February 27, 2025
- Able to add cards to a whiteboard from the card’s context menu.
- Able to create tags in the manage tags menu.
- Able to add cards to a whiteboard and tag them in the card info section.
- Improve bottom sheet experience.
- Fixed an issue where the to-do count included tasks from trashed cards.
- Fixed an issue where the selected text highlight wasn’t showing up when typing in Chinese with an external keyboard.
- Fixed an issue that prevented Chinese characters from being entered in some bottom sheet input fields.
February 26, 2025
- Fixed an issue where the action bar remained open after deleting selected cards in the card library.
February 26, 2025
- When searching for cards using the Highlight right sidebar, clicking the back button retains the previous search string.
- Able to user Ctrl/Cmd + Enter to enter a sub-whiteboard
- Fixed an issue where under certain conditions the top-level map icon would disappear from the whiteboard's breadcrumb.
- Fixed an issue where using the "paste without format" option failed to remove hyperlinks from pasted text.
- Fixed an issue where deleted media cards continued to appear in mobile search results.
- Fixed an issue where users weren't able to convert a block into text using the block menu when the block was near the top border.
Mobile App v1.26.2.5
February 19, 2025
- Fixed an issue that caused stale to-do items to appear in the task app.
February 19, 2025
- Fixed issues that prevented users from retrying failed transcriptions.
- Fixed an issue where users weren't notified when they exceeded their transcription quota.
- Fixed an issue where permission info was sometimes displayed incorrectly on unshared whiteboards.
- Fixed an issue where the lock icon appears on the journal even when the whiteboard isn't shared with any other users.
February 14, 2025
- Journal: Display due tasks
Mobile App v1.26.2.4
February 14, 2025
- Fixed an issue that Android devices cannot create a new card.
- Fixed the wrong bottom sheet title color in dark mode.
- Fixed the wrong gradient editor toolbar color in dark mode.
Mobile App v1.26.2.2
February 13, 2025
- Be able to create a whiteboard in the whiteboard list on mobile.
- Be able to rename a whiteboard on mobile.
- Be able to use the card menu when creating a new card.
- Fixed an issue where typing Chinese in the editor table creates a new column.
- Fixed an issue where creating new card in the Journal or search tab won't have card menu.
- Fixed an issue where the menu does not close when deleting the new card.
- Added gradient style to editor toolbar on mobile.
February 13, 2025
- Fixed an issue where opening the References panel would unexpectedly trigger edit locks.
- Fixed an issue where editing a card wouldn’t trigger the card library to re-render.
- Fixed an issue that was causing the app to crash when using the PDF table of contents.
- Fixed an issue where PDF search terms weren't cleared after closing the dialog.
- Added support for returning to the previous page after clicking the PDF table of contents.
February 10, 2025
- Fixed an issue where users couldn’t collaborate in others’ workspaces without a subscription.
February 9, 2025
- Fixed incorrect backlinks to journal in a shared space.
- Fixed an issue where cards became inaccessible when dragged into mind map nodes.
- Fixed a layout issue in the reference panel.
- Fixed a layout issue in the Journal of the web app.
- Fixed the line height issue in the math block to prevent two lines from overlapping.
February 7, 2025
- Collaboration: Invite free users to edit a whiteboard (Tutorial 👉 Collaboration Q&A)
- PDF - Support Google Scholar Preview on citations
- Support using ArrowLeft/Right to navigate the previous/next pdf page.
- Support table of contents on the right sidebar for pdf card tabs.
- Support shift+enter to go previous item in pdf search dialog.
- Memorize the zoom value in pdf card tabs and improve the zooming experience of trackpad.
- Support automatically parsing academic paper (with arXiv or DOI number) titles when uploading pdf files.
- Fixed the incorrect last read position of pdf on large pdf files.
- Fixed the back button behavior on large pdf files.
- Fixed an issue where applying custom filters may cause serious performance and sync issues.
Mobile App v1.26.2
February 7, 2025
- Fixed the issue where the task app has stale to-do items.
- Ensure compatibility with the collaboration update.
February 3, 2025
- Fixed an issue that users cannot open a single PDF card in the right sidebar.
February 3, 2025
- Fixed an issue that cloud sync can't be activated after deactivating.
Mobile App v1.26.1
February 3, 2025
- Improved the import panel stability.
January 29, 2025
- Fixed an issue where in-whiteboard search and global search do not work after re-activate sync on the web app.
- Fixed an issue where pasting a paragraph containing a hyperlink would incorrectly set the entire paragraph as a hyperlink.
- Typing >= and <= in the editor automatically transforms into ≥ and ≤.
Mobile App v1.26.0.1
January 29, 2025
- Auto focus the editor when creating a new card.
- Improved the todo checkbox trigger area in the editor.
- Fixed an issue where using the Task app might cause data not to display correctly.
- Fixed an issue where the editor toolbar continued to exist when changing the date in the journal.
- Fixed some todo item style issue.
- Fixed an issue where clicking on a bullet list node would incorrectly scroll the screen to the top.
- Fixed an issue that prevented users from creating a new card the first time they entered the app.
- Fixed an issue that prevented users from searching for tags when managing tags of a card (Please sign out and then sign back in to rebuild the index.)
- Fixed an issue where pasting a YouTube link wouldn't trigger the embed menu.
- Fixed an issue where pasting a card link wouldn't trigger the mention menu.
- Fixed an issue where the position was incorrect when adding cards to the whiteboard using the import panel on mobile.
- Fixed an issue where pasting a paragraph containing a hyperlink would incorrectly set the entire paragraph as a hyperlink.
January 24, 2025
- Fixed an issue where users cannot see the whiteboard on the right sidebar.
Mobile App v1.26.0
January 23, 2025
- Task app
January 23, 2025
- Fixed an issue where users were unable to export backups from the web app.
- Fixed an issue where, in some rare cases, the settings menu couldn't be opened in the web app.
- Fixed an issue where the "No results" dialog wouldn't disappear when there was no match after typing a slash.
January 15, 2025
- Improved the sync stability
January 6, 2025
- Fixed an issue that journals on a published whiteboard are inaccessible.