How do I cancel my subscription?
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Important notice
We’ve migrated our support content to a new location. This page will no longer be updated and will be removed by February 28, 2025.
Please find the latest content in our new Help Center.
You can cancel your subscription by clicking the settings button on the top left corner in our desktop/web app, then go to Subscription -> Manage Subscription -> Cancel plan, and you will be able to cancel it.
If you have any other questions about your subscription, please reach out to us at
我們已將支援文章都搬到新的地方,這個頁面將不再更新,並且會在 2025 年 2 月 28 日後移除。
請你到我們新的 Heptabase 支援中心 查看最新的資訊.
請你到電腦版 app 或網頁版裡面左上角的設定選單,選取 Subscription -> Manage Subscription -> Cancel plan,就可以取消訂閱囉!
若有其他關於訂閱的問題,歡迎寄信到 跟我們聯繫。