Dear Heptabase User,
Since launching the collaboration feature last month, our team has been actively using it for collaborative research and planning every day. We're now developing the next phase of collaboration features that can further help a group of people like us make sense of complex topics together. If you have any suggestions or feedback, we'd love to hear from you!
Journal: Display due tasks
In the latest version, you can check all tasks (todos) due on a specific date directly in your Journal.
Mobile Enhancements
In the past few weeks, we've made many quality-of-life improvements to our mobile app experience, including:
- Assign tags, create new tags, or add a card to a whiteboard when creating a new card.
- Create a new whiteboard directly from the whiteboard list.
- Rename a whiteboard using the whiteboard's menu.
- Add a card to a whiteboard using the card’s menu.
- Improve overall loading experience.
- Other bug fixes related to tables and tasks.
We will continue to improve the overall mobile experience. If you still encounter any issues, please report them through our in-app support!
Affiliate Program Update
Recently, we've reviewed the results of our affiliate program and noticed that some partners have been exceptionally successful. Based on these insights, we've updated our eligibility criteria and best practices for this program.
If you're a Heptabase user with experience in content creation, we encourage you to visit our Affiliate Program Q&A for detailed information. We look forward to seeing even more creators succeed and earn through sharing Heptabase content!
Heptabase Related Contents
Tom from Paperless Movement shared a clear tutorial on how to use Heptabase's PDF highlighting and annotation features. We really like the quality of this video!
Mandarin Content
針對近期推出的「在 Journal 裡顯示到期任務」功能,《Start and Keep》網站的 RTsai 製作了一篇非常完整的介紹,裡面除了基本教學外,也有許多值得參考的使用案例,推薦閱讀這篇文以及網站內的其他介紹文!
We hope that these updates will improve your experience on Heptabase and make your learning easier and more enjoyable.
If you have any feedback or suggestions, or you want to share your use cases or contents related to Heptabase, please don't hesitate to chat with us through our in app support.
Stay tuned for future updates, and we hope you have a great day!
Best regards,
Heptabase Team