How to restore my cards and whiteboards from version history?
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Version History of Cards and Journals
Whenever you start editing a card, journal, text element, or highlight notes, the system will generate a snapshot of the edit history and start a 3-minute timer. Any edits within these 3 minutes will overwrite the snapshot with the latest version. For example, if you edit some text, think for a minute, and then continue editing, the 3-minute timer will restart.
If there are no edits within 3 minutes after the initial edit, the version in this snapshot will be confirmed. If you edit new content afterwards, a new snapshot will be generated.
If continuous editing exceeds 10 minutes, the system will also generate a new snapshot.
Even when offline, the system will follow the above rules to generate snapshots. When reconnected, the system will upload these snapshots to the edit history, and you will be able to see the edit history sorted by device and time. They will not overwrite each other.
If you have never enabled synchronization, these snapshot records will be stored in your device and will not be synced to the cloud.
Version History of Whiteboards
We will automatically save new editing versions of whiteboards every 10 minutes.
You will see counts of every whiteboard objects in the version history list to let you distinguish which version you might want to restore.
Please note that restoring a whiteboard version will only restore the whiteboard’s layout, sections, texts, mindmaps and cards' position and their color.
If you want to restore the card's content, please restore it from the card's version history.
If you have deleted any cards or whiteboards, you will not be able to restore them via the whiteboard's version history. You have to go to the trash can to find and restore them.
When you restore to another version, we will save the current version for you, so you don't have to manually save. If you still want to do it, you can use Cmd + Option + S
(macOS) or Ctrl + Shift + S
(Windows/Linux) to trigger a new save.
我們已將支援文章都搬到新的地方,這個頁面將不再更新,並且會在 2025 年 2 月 28 日後移除。
請你到我們新的 Heptabase 支援中心 查看最新的資訊.
卡片與 Journal 的版本紀錄
每當你開始編輯一張卡片、Journal、text element 或 highlight notes 時,系統會產生編輯紀錄的快照,並且開始計時 3 分鐘。 3 分鐘內若有任何編輯紀錄,都會覆蓋為最新的版本。舉例來說,你編輯一段文字後,思考了一分鐘,繼續編輯,此時就會重新計算 3 分鐘。
若編輯後 3 分鐘內都無任何編輯,這個快照的版本將會確定下來,之後若編輯新的內容就會重新產生一個快照。
若持續編輯超過 10 分鐘,系統也會重新產生一個新的快照。
請注意,透過白板的版本紀錄只會復原白板的排版佈局、文字元素、sections 以及 mindmaps 等物件。卡片方面也只會復原卡片的位置與顏色資訊,並不會復原卡片的內容。
另外,若你曾刪除某個白板上的卡片、某個白板或是子白板,你也無法透過白板的版本紀錄復原他們。在這個情況下,要請你到 Heptabase 的垃圾桶去尋找與復原他們。
每次當你選擇一個版本復原時,我們會直接為你儲存目前的版本,因此你不用手動儲存他們。不過若你想要這樣做,你仍然可以透過 Cmd + Option + S
(macOS) 或 Ctrl + Shift + S
(Windows/Linux) 的快捷鍵來觸發存檔。