How sustainable is Heptabase? Can I easily export my data and move on?
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Heptabase was founded in September 2021. We raised nearly $1.7 million in seed funding from top Silicon Valley investors such as Y Combinator, HOF Capital, Kleiner Perkins, and Moving Capital in early 2022. However, unlike many Silicon Valley software companies, we have been cash-flow positive since our first year of operation. We have not spent any investor money over the past two years; all company expenses are fully funded by our revenue, which has been growing at a rate of at least three times each year, with 95% of the growth being completely organic.
A healthy financial status allows Heptabase to operate the company and iterate the product long-term without needing to raise additional funds. The cash reserves we hold also enable us to conduct various experiments that can help us achieve our vision without worrying about survival pressures.
We believe that a sound financial situation will allow users to use Heptabase more confidently, without having to worry that poor company operations will force them to relocate the notes and content they’ve accumulated. Even if you decide to stop using Heptabase someday, you can simply go to the product's left sidebar and click Settings → Backup & Sync → Export Now to export all notes as Markdown files. This is a universal format that allows you to import your notes from Heptabase into most popular note-taking apps.
In the worst-case scenario, if Heptabase's company were to shut down one day, we would open-source Heptabase and maintain it together with the user community so that this product can continue to be developed and used.
我們已將支援文章都搬到新的地方,這個頁面將不再更新,並且會在 2025 年 2 月 28 日後移除。
請你到我們新的 Heptabase 支援中心 查看最新的資訊.
Heptabase 的公司成立於 2021 年九月,我們在 2022 年初向 Y Combinator、HOF Capital、Kleiner Perkins、Moving Capital 等許多一流的矽谷的投資機構和投資人籌集了將近 170 萬美元的種子輪資金。然而,與許多矽谷的軟體公司不同,我們打從成立公司的第一年便已將現金流轉正。在過去二年期間,我們沒有花過任何投資人的錢,所有的公司支出全數都是源自公司的營收,而公司的營收以每年至少三倍的幅度在穩定成長,這當中有 95% 是完全自然、無行銷投入的有機成長。
健康的財務狀態使得 Heptabase 很早便可以在不需要籌集更多資金的情況下長期經營公司、迭代產品;我們持有的現金儲備也允許我們在不需要擔心生存壓力的情況下做各種能幫助我們達成願景的實驗。我們還有很長的路要走,也一直將永續經營作為公司營運的最高準則。
我們相信,健全的財務狀況能讓使用者更放心地投入使用 Heptabase ,不用擔心公司營運不善,導致自己累積的筆記與內容又需要搬家找別的地方放。即便有天您不打算繼續使用 Heptabase 了,也可以直接到產品的左側欄點擊 Settings → Backup & Sync → Export Now 將所有筆記匯出成通用的 Markdown 文件。這是一種筆記文件的通用格式,使您可以將您在 Heptabase 中的筆記匯入到大多數主流筆記軟體中。
在最壞的情況下,倘若 Heptabase 的公司有天不幸關閉,我們將開源 Heptabase 並與用戶社群一起維護,讓這個產品可以繼續被人開發、使用。