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Heptabase Updates

Dear Heptabase User,

This week, a new full-stack engineer, Alex, has joined us as the 7th member of the Heptabase team. If you see Alex in the Discord channel or in our in-app support chatroom, feel free to say hi to him! 👋

Heptabase First Impression

This week, instead of a use case, we're sharing an introduction video from a new user, Game & Tech Focus, who has just started using Heptabase.

The video provides a comprehensive overview of Heptabase's basic elements and workflows. We really appreciate how it thoroughly discusses topics such as data longevity and customer support, in addition to the product itself. These insights are typically absent from quick general reviews, but we know they're important considerations for many people when deciding whether to use Heptabase long-term.

If you're new to Heptabase, we highly recommend watching this video. There is also a blog post version of this video. You might discover some hidden features or interesting ideas!

Product updates

Last week, we began testing the initial alpha version of our collaboration features within the team. We still need a bit more time before we can release it to everyone, but we wanted to let you know that we're making progress!


Last week, we updated the "Getting Started" section of our wiki, which now includes three new pages: Use Case and Workflow, Fundamental Elements, and User Interface Logic.

We hope you find these new tutorial docs helpful!

Mandarin content

  • 我們上週更新了 public wiki 網站上面的 “Getting Started” 相關頁面,內容包含了使用場景和工作流核心物件以及介面邏輯等三個新的頁面,不管你是新用戶或者舊用戶,都歡迎你參考看看!
  • Youtube 頻道「000閱讀 | ling」分享了《如何用Heptabase實踐卡片盒筆記?怎麼整理閃念筆記與永久筆記?關鍵字索引和索引頁又是什麼?》這集新的影片,如果你對於透過 Heptabase 實踐卡片盒筆記法感興趣,歡迎參考看看!
  • Youtube 頻道「槓桿生活 | QQ」推出了第三集關於 Heptabase 的介紹影片《Heptabase Web Clipper 完美提升資訊捕捉效率| Heptabase教學03》,我們很喜歡 QQ 每次的介紹,推薦分享給大家!
  • 「下班學習智」這個網站的《Heptabase應用:如何讓《一個人的獲利模式》這本書中的練習有趣又好玩?》這篇文章,分享了他是如何透過 Heptabase 拆解並練習《一個人的獲利模式》這本書裡面提到的各種問題,非常精彩,推薦大家參考閱讀!
  • 「畫 Wow」網站的 Ian 伊恩推出了一套新的「數位子彈筆記免費課程」,分享他如何透過 Heptabase 製作子彈筆記。他說在嘗試過許多數位工具後,最適合他的使用情境的就是 Heptabase 。如果你也對這樣的應用方式感興趣,歡迎參考看看!

We hope that these updates will improve your experience on Heptabase and make your learning easier and more enjoyable.

If you have any feedback or suggestions, or you want to share your use cases or contents related to Heptabase, please don't hesitate to chat with us in our Discord Community or send to .

Stay tuned for future updates, and we hope you have a great day!

Best regards,

Heptabase Team