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Heptabase Update - Create and edit cards on mobile whiteboards, Web clipper, and more!

Your feedback is important to us. If you are new to Heptabase and have been using it for less than 1 month, we would love to hear your feedback through a 15-minute chat.

Feel free to schedule a user interview with us using this link. The link is available on a rolling basis, and every week we will open new slots.

During the interview, we can speak both English or Mandarin, depending on your preference.

P.S. If you've been using Heptabase for more than 1 month, please do not schedule it for now. We will create another link for that in the future.

Use case: Play interactive games with Heptabase’s focus mode


This week's use case comes from one of our Discord community members, Ian Hsiao.

Ian said, "I just discovered that we can play interactive games (choices matter games/storyboard games) with Heptabase focus mode."

We agree with this finding! When you enable Focus Mode by toggling the button at the bottom-right of the whiteboard, only the selected card remains visible while all other objects dim. You can also use the keyboard to navigate through the cards, creating an interactive experience.

Some users have also noted that this feature works well for presentations, as it helps keep the audience's attention on your cursor and minimizes distractions.

If you haven't tried focus mode yet, definitely give it a shot!

Web Clipper

When we conducted a poll in January asking about your priorities, the top request was for the web clipper. Therefore, we've recently introduced our first version! You can download the plugin and install it in your Chrome-based browsers. If you encounter any issues, please feel free to let us know through our in-app support!

Mobile: Create and Edit Card and Text on Whiteboard

We used to receive feedback almost every day with comments like, "Your whiteboards are perfect on desktop, but why can't I use the same features on mobile?" We've heard your words and have been actively working on them in the past few weeks. In the latest version, you can now create and edit cards and text on whiteboards using your mobile or tablet devices. You can also move, resize, change colors, fold, unfold, and remove them.

In the coming months, we'll continue to ship new features (such as making connections, importing cards, creating mind maps, and adding sub-whiteboards) and fix bugs in our mobile and tablet apps. Stay tuned!

The YouTube channel Antone Heyward has published a video introducing our new mobile/tablet updates! We love how Antone showcases each feature he discovers, one by one, and shares his thoughts!

Mandarin content

Youtube 頻道「000閱讀 | ling」分享了《如何用 Heptabase 拆解一本書? 如何替卡片下好記的標題?》這支很棒的影片。

我們很喜歡 ling 最後的結論:「經過這樣視覺化的整理,除了讓一切變得很清楚之外,未來如果忘記了,或是想針對特定細節回顧時,都可以很輕鬆地找到對應的內容。」非常推薦大家看看!

Reading Strength 網站的阿蔡,在我們推出 Web Clipper 功能後,很快地寫了一篇完整的介紹文章,還分享了他的進階用法,歡迎參考看看!

We hope that these updates will improve your experience on Heptabase and make your learning easier and more enjoyable.

If you have any feedback or suggestions, or you want to share your use cases or contents related to Heptabase, please don't hesitate to chat with us in our Discord Community or send to .

Stay tuned for future updates, and we hope you have a great day!

Best regards,

Heptabase Team