Nested Whiteboard: Organize learning topics with hierarchies and reusable cards
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In traditional note-taking apps, you often need to use a folder-based hierarchical structure to manage your notes. However, the drawback of this structure is that as you accumulate more notes, it becomes easy to get lost in the vast number of layers, and changing the folder structure can become very difficult.
In contrast, some modern note-taking apps advocate for eliminating all hierarchies and instead establishing bi-directional links between notes, allowing all notes to be interconnected in a giant graph. However, as this graph grows larger, you may find it increasingly difficult to maintain a sense of direction and locate your notes.
Heptabase has achieved a perfect balance between hierarchical structure and graph structure by integrating the designs of "nested whiteboard" and "graph-based card library."
Let's imagine for a moment that you have accumulated around ten thousand notes over the years. How would you manage them across different note-taking apps?
- In a hierarchical note-taking app, once you have more than twenty notes in a folder, you will start to feel disorganized. If you have about ten thousand notes, you will need to use at least three to four layers of folders to manage them, which makes finding things quite inconvenient. If one day you feel that the current folder structure is not suitable anymore, you will need to spend at least an entire week designing a new folder structure and then move all the notes from the existing folders into this new folder structure. This process is very painful and time-consuming.
- In a graph-based note-taking app, these ten thousand notes form a giant graph. You will find that your memory gradually cannot keep up with the size of this graph. Many times, you can't even remember what notes you have written and can only rely on keyword searches in the end. The sense of "stability" brought by hierarchical management does not exist in a pure graph structure.
In contrast, in Heptabase, you may start to feel overwhelmed when you have more than a hundred cards on each whiteboard. Assuming you have ten parent whiteboards on the top level, each containing ten child whiteboards, and each whiteboard has about a hundred cards, with this structure, you can manage over ten thousand notes with just two layers of hierarchy. Finding notes will become much easier!
Moreover, in the world of folders, every file belongs to a folder, but in Heptabase, cards and whiteboards are independent of each other. A card can appear in multiple whiteboards at the same time. Although the structure of the whiteboard is hierarchical, the relationships between cards are a graph.
In other words, if you are not satisfied with the current whiteboard structure, you can always create a new one without altering the existing structure, and then reuse the existing cards in the new structure. This flexibility allows you to gradually evolve your whiteboard structure over time, without having to spend an entire week moving and reorganizing all your notes.
How to use nested whiteboard
To create a sub-whiteboard within a whiteboard, the most straightforward way is to right-click on an empty space of the whiteboard and choose the option "Whiteboard" to add a sub-whiteboard.
When you are in a whiteboard, you can check which layer the whiteboard is in the hierarchy through the breadcrumb in the top left corner of the whiteboard. Taking the following image as an example, "The Dream Machine" is a sub-whiteboard of "Reading Notes."
In most cases, the relationship between the nested whiteboards represents the relationship between topics. For example, you may have a whiteboard called "Science," and inside it, there are sub-whiteboards such as "Physics," "Chemistry," "Biology," and so on.
How to reuse cards across whiteboards
If you want to reuse cards that have been used on other whiteboards, there are two common methods:
- Simply click on the button in the top right corner of the whiteboard to access the Card Library. Search for the card and drag it onto the whiteboard.
- In another whiteboard, select the cards you want, right-click, and choose "Copy". Then go to your target whiteboard, right-click, and choose "Paste". Select the option "Sync pasted card" while pasting.
For example, you may have a card related to genetic science, and you can place it on both the "Genetic engineering" and "Biology" whiteboards. If you have a card related to the US reserve currency, you can also place it on both the "US history" and "Macroeconomics" whiteboards.
Heptabase 透過融合「層狀白板」和「網狀卡片庫」這二個設計,在階層架構和網狀結構之間取得了一個完美的平衡點。
- 在階層式筆記軟體中,每個資料夾一但放超過二十個筆記,你就會開始感到混亂。如果你有約一萬份筆記,你會需要用至少三到四層的資料夾去管理它們,找東西相當不便。如果有一天你覺得當下的資料夾架構不適用了,你會發現你至少需要花上一整個禮拜的時間設計新的資料夾架構,再接著把所有資料夾的筆記搬到這個架構裡頭,這個過程非常痛苦且耗時。
- 在網狀式筆記軟體中,這一萬份筆記會構成一個巨大的網絡,你會發現你的記憶逐漸跟不上這個網路的大小,很多時候連你寫過哪些筆記都想不起來,最終只能靠關鍵字搜尋。階層式管理帶來的那種「安定感」,在純粹的網狀結構中並不存在。
相較之下,在 Heptabase 中每個白板通常要放超過一百張卡片你才會開始感到有些混亂。假設你在最上層有十個母白板,每個母白板中有十個子白板,每個白板有約一百張卡片,在這樣的架構下,你只要二層階層就可以管理超過一萬份筆記了,找筆記會變得容易許多!
除此之外,在資料夾的世界中,每個檔案都必然從屬於某個資料夾;但是在 Heptabase,卡片和白板是彼此獨立的,一個卡片可以同時出現在多個白板裡頭。雖然白板的結構是階層式的,但卡片之間的關係是網狀的。
要在一個白板中創建子白板,最直接的方式就是在白板空白處點擊右鍵,選擇 Whiteboard 的選項來新增子白板。
當你在一個白板中時,你可以透過白板左上角的路徑圖檢查這個白板在階層中的哪一層。以下面這張圖為例,The Dream Machine 是 Reading Notes 的子白板。
- 直接在白板右上角點擊卡片庫(Card Library)的按鈕,搜尋並將你想要的卡片拖曳到白板上。
- 在其他白板框選你想要的卡片,按右鍵點擊複製(Copy),接著到你的目標白板按右鍵貼上,並在貼上時選擇「同步貼上卡片」(sync pasted card)的選項。
- 階層化されたメモアプリでは、フォルダ内に20個以上のメモがあると、整理されていないと感じるようになります。1万個程度のメモがある場合は、少なくとも3〜4層のフォルダを使用して管理する必要があり、それにより物事を見つけることが非常に不便になります。もしいつか現在のフォルダ構造が適切でないと感じた場合、新しいフォルダ構造を設計するために少なくとも1週間を費やし、既存のフォルダからすべてのメモを移動する必要があります。このプロセスは非常に痛みを伴い、時間のかかるものです。
- 一方、グラフベースのメモアプリでは、これらの1万個のメモは巨大なグラフを形成します。メモの数が増えるにつれて、記憶との調和がどんどん難しくなることを実感するでしょう。多くの場合、書いたメモを覚えていることができず、結局はキーワード検索に頼るしかありません。階層化された管理がもたらす「安定感」は、純粋なグラフ構造では存在しません。
ホワイトボード内にいる場合、ホワイトボードの階層でどのレイヤーにあるかを、ホワイトボードの左上隅にあるパンくずリストで確認することができます。次の画像を例にすると、“The Dream Machine”は”Reading Notes”のサブホワイトボードです。
- ホワイトボードの右上隅にあるボタンをクリックして、カードライブラリにアクセスします。カードを検索し、ホワイトボード上にドラッグします。
- 他のホワイトボードで、再利用したいカードを選択し、右クリックして「コピー」を選択します。次に目的のホワイトボードに移動し、右クリックして「貼り付け」を選択します。「貼り付け」時に「貼り付けたカードを同期する」オプションを選択します。
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