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Dear Heptabase User,

We hope you are doing well!

Recently, we have been upgrading the backend system and actively conducting internal tests.

Additionally, we are about to publish Heptabase Fundamentals 103. If you haven't watched the previous episodes, take this opportunity to review them!

Use case: Share your whiteboard with us!

Since last September, we've shared 13 different ways to use Heptabase in our newsletters, to help you discover the capabilities of Heptabase. It brings us joy when users tell us they have learned something new from these use cases.

We believe this approach is worth expanding. If you are proud of your whiteboard and willing to share it with other users, please email us at to share your whiteboard (link or screenshot) with us, and include the following items in your email:

  • How do you want your name to appear?
  • What's your job and profession?
  • Is there any additional information you'd like to add? For example, why you want to share this, what tips you applied on the whiteboard, etc.

We thank you for sharing your work with us!

Dear Heptabase User,

In the past two weeks, we have spent most of our time fixing bugs and enhancing system stability. The good news is, we are about to finish the most challenging backend tasks of the past year, providing better infrastructure for syncing and collaboration-related features in the future.

Use case: Read and break down "The Art of War" by Sunzi

013-use-case-1 013-use-case-2

This week’s use case comes from one of our Discord community members, insight97.

In the Heptabase Discord, insight97 provided his steps for breaking down "The Art of War" by Sunzi:

  1. Use the right side of mindmaps to break down the content of each chapter.
  2. Use the left side of mindmaps to take notes on each chapter.
  3. Use multi-layered sections to organize chapters and highlights.
  4. Summarize and synthesize personal thoughts and insights into a separate mindmap.

Insight97 stated that the process helped him visualize the entire book as a connected graph, rather than a linear article. He could see how different words, paragraphs, or chapters related to each other, thus understanding things and gaining insights more quickly than before.

We really like this use case. It shows a creative way to use a mind map: grow and take notes on the right side, and summarize on the left side. We hope you also find this use case helpful!

Dear Heptabase User,

We hope you are doing well!

Recently, we have spent a lot of time working on optimizing performance and fixing bugs. We've improved the sync speed of the mobile app and the performance of the whiteboard. In the upcoming weeks, we will also address bugs related to PDFs.

If there are any other bugs you'd like us to prioritize, please let us know through our support system!

Use case: Conduct and present professional reports using Heptabase


This use case comes from one of our Discord community members, DannyET.

In the Discord channel, Danny said: “One of my areas of work is providing expert medical opinions to lawyers in different areas of the country. I often need to work through over a thousand pages of medical documentation and questions within the brief. Heptabase is excellent for categorizing the material, drawing out essential aspects of care, uploading reference documents and drawing conclusions.”

In addition, after completing the whiteboard, Heptabase's visual representation allows for easy presentation of the results to others.

As Danny stated, "When I have Zoom calls with legal teams to discuss individual cases, they are universally impressed by my screen share, including my Heptabase whiteboard, the relevant connections, and fast access to brief materials, references, and images to explain concepts and help them formulate their understanding and plans."

We hope you find this sharing experience enjoyable, as it allows others to understand your context easily and facilitates further discussions based on that context.

Dear Heptabase User,

We hope you are doing well!

Last month, we released 5 major updates with new features and improvements. As the Lunar New Year is approaching, we will be taking a short break from February 8-13. During this time, we may not be able to respond to messages immediately. However, if you come across any urgent bugs, please let us know through our support channels so that we can promptly address and resolve them.

We wish you a happy Lunar New Year!

Use case: Plan your trip within Heptabase


A few months ago, we shared a use case called "Plan a trip and write travel journals by Heptabase" with you. This time, we would like to share a similar use case with some different tips that you will enjoy.

This use case comes from a Discord user named Kat. She mentioned that she visited Chiang Mai and Bangkok two weeks ago and found Heptabase to be very useful for organizing her trip.

We found her approach very easy to understand, helpful, and also appealing for other travel partners! You can grasp the plan in just a minute!

You can find more information about this use case through the following link.

Dear Heptabase User,

We want to share with you that Heptabase has won the Product Hunt's 2023 Golden Kitty Award in the Personal Productivity category! We sincerely thank you for your support and votes!


In the previous newsletter, we shared the first episode of our new video tutorial series: "Heptabase Fundamentals 101: Sense-making with whiteboards," and many users have found it very helpful. If you haven't watched it yet, we highly recommend you check it out!

This week, we want to share the second episode with you.

Use case: Organizing topics with nested whiteboards and tab groups

In this tutorial video, Alan went through his own whiteboards to share real-world examples of how to organize different topics with nested whiteboards and tab groups. If you have a lot of cards and want to learn how to organize them, we highly recommend checking this out!

Dear Heptabase User,

We hope you are doing well!

Since we released Heptabase 1.0 in September of last year, many new users have joined Heptabase and asked us if we have any video tutorials for the latest version of Heptabase. Therefore, we have decided to create a new series of tutorials, and we just released the first one: "Heptabase Fundamentals 101: Sense-making with whiteboards.”

Use case: Sense-making with whiteboards

In this tutorial video, Alan explains the most important thing that Heptabase can do: using the whiteboard to make sense of a topic that you care about by breaking down large reading notes into atomic knowledge cards and synthesizing them with sections, arrows, and mindmaps. We hope you find it helpful!

Dear Heptabase User,

We hope you are enjoying the holiday season!

Since we sent our last newsletter, we conducted a survey within our app and received thousands of ratings and feedback. We appreciate all the compliments, encouragement, and feedback.

We greatly appreciate your feedback, and as a result, we have reprioritized certain tasks based on the input we received from you. If you have any additional feedback or suggestions to share, please do not hesitate to provide them through our in-app support system.

Use case - Review your past year in Heptabase


This use case is from one of our Discord community members, Chase.

Chase has made a whiteboard for each month of 2023. Inside the whiteboard, she puts daily journal cards and writes about daily life and thoughts.

Every week, Chase will look at what was written during the week and plan for the next week. She will also change the color of the cards based on how she feels each day. This helps Chase see how she has been doing over the past few weeks all at once.

By consistently recording and reviewing every week, Chase will have a complete annual record by the end of the year.


Chase shared in the Discord channel, “In the past, I would write my plans as lists, but now I can lay out the entire year’s plans at once, visually reviewing the year and each month. I’ve discovered that I can quickly make connections and recall memories in my mind!”

We think that using a whiteboard to organize monthly, weekly, and daily records is an effective method for reviewing everything. We highly recommend giving it a try as we approach the end of the year and prepare for a fresh start.

If you’re interested in this method, we recommend you read Chase’s complete tutorial article. It offers both Mandarin(中文) & English versions.

Dear Heptabase User,

We hope you are doing well.

In our previous letter, we asked for your feedback on your experiences with Heptabase. We have received many responses and found them to be extremely valuable for our product design, so we have decided to expand upon it. If you have used Heptabase for more than 2 weeks, you will see a pop-up at the bottom of your Heptabase screen asking, "How likely are you to recommend Heptabase to friends and colleagues?” as shown below.


When you see the pop-up in the Heptabase app, you can simply click on the score that reflects your true feelings. If you'd like, you can also provide reasons for your rating in a follow-up question. We value your feedback, as they will help us improve and provide better experiences for you in the future.

Use case - Use Mindmap nodes as an substitute for text elements


This use case comes from one of our Discord community members, andrewap.

As we can see in the image, andrewap imported a PDF of revisions of a writing and then began to revise it again in Heptabase.

In the Discord channel, andrewap said: “I find the way Word handles comments to be quite limiting. The linear, unidirectional nature (comments can only be anchored to chunks of text) of comments in Word just doesn’t work for me. I want to be able to alternate between the micro and macro scales, connect ideas, and attach properties to revisions.”

If you are also conducting research in Heptabase, feel free to share your whiteboard with us!

Dear Heptabase User,

We hope you are doing fine!

Recently, a user told us that before using Heptabase, he had tried many different tools, but none of them could keep him focused. Then he found Heptabase, which allowed him to easily spend several hours fully engaged. We believe this is not an isolated case, as we share the same experiences.

Have you had similar experiences with this user? Do you recall the frustrations or challenges you faced before using Heptabase? And how did Heptabase solve these problems? We are interested in hearing about your experience and would appreciate it if you could reply to this email and share it with us!

Use case - Use Mindmap nodes as an substitute for text elements


This use case comes from one of our users, Rita Chan. She created this whiteboard in Heptabase to report on the progress of her master’s degree homework.

When we first saw this image, our initial thought was: this doesn’t seem much like Heptabase, was it really created using Heptabase? How did she achieve this?

Upon closer inspection, we discovered the creativity and ingenuity within this use case. We were also surprised to see how our users could always come up with new ways to utilize Heptabase.

You can find more information about this use case through the following link.

Dear Heptabase User,

We hope you are doing well!

Recently, we’ve noticed that more and more new users are sharing how much they like Heptabase on Twitter or other social media platforms. We’re thrilled to see such feedback and it motivates us to keep going. Therefore, we encourage you to share more about why you love Heptabase! Of course, if there’s anything you’re not happy about, feel free to tell us through in-app support!

Use case - Use Heptabase to brainstorm how to organize Heptabase


We always enjoy seeing how users use Heptabase to learn new knowledge, and the case we want to share this time is one of them, but it’s a bit special because this time the learning topic is how to organize your Heptabase.

This use case comes from one of our Discord community members, Saltmaker. Through highlights, mind maps, and some arrows, he has outlined his understanding of the features and use cases of Heptabase.

We think this case is really great! If you are new to Heptabase, we highly recommend creating a whiteboard to think about how to better use Heptabase features. By following this approach, you can quickly grasp the capabilities of Heptabase and enhance your understanding of other concepts more efficiently.

You can find more information about this use case through the following link.