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Dear Heptabase User,

We hope you are doing well!

Recently, we’ve noticed that more and more new users are sharing how much they like Heptabase on Twitter or other social media platforms. We’re thrilled to see such feedback and it motivates us to keep going. Therefore, we encourage you to share more about why you love Heptabase! Of course, if there’s anything you’re not happy about, feel free to tell us through in-app support!

Use case - Use Heptabase to brainstorm how to organize Heptabase


We always enjoy seeing how users use Heptabase to learn new knowledge, and the case we want to share this time is one of them, but it’s a bit special because this time the learning topic is how to organize your Heptabase.

This use case comes from one of our Discord community members, Saltmaker. Through highlights, mind maps, and some arrows, he has outlined his understanding of the features and use cases of Heptabase.

We think this case is really great! If you are new to Heptabase, we highly recommend creating a whiteboard to think about how to better use Heptabase features. By following this approach, you can quickly grasp the capabilities of Heptabase and enhance your understanding of other concepts more efficiently.

You can find more information about this use case through the following link.

Dear Heptabase User,

We hope you are doing well!

Two weeks ago, we held an AMA event on Reddit. During the event, there were some questions that stood out to us, such as "Can you define complex?" If you want to learn more about Heptabase and its vision, we encourage you to check out the complete discussion of this AMA event. If you find any answers that you like, feel free to share them with us or others. We would be delighted to hear from you!

Use case - Learn about childcare through Heptabase


In our last newsletter, we introduced a use case of planning a trip and writing travel journals with Heptabase. We believe it would be very helpful if you’re planning your end-of-the-year vacation!

In this newsletter, we’re back to the “learning” use case scenario. We’d like to share with you how one of our Discord community members, 蔡阿蔡 (rtsai1202), uses Heptabase to learn about childcare.

After reading this use case, we were very impressed. We believe that this use case is not only suitable for learning about childcare, but it is also great for studying any complex knowledge with the help of associated images.

You can find more information about this use case through the following link.

Dear Heptabase User,

We hope everything is going well!

Recently, our user base has been growing very fast, and we introduced an in-app support system in September to keep up with all the support tickets. After a month of operation, many users have expressed satisfaction with the experience of providing feedback, making feature requests, and reporting bugs directly within Heptabase.

If you haven't tried using in-app support yet, please refer to this wiki document for instructions.

Use case - Plan a trip and write travel journals by Heptabase


In the previous newsletter, we introduced a use case on how to Use Heptabase to Plan Your Dream Adventures. This week, we want to move from dreams to reality by sharing a real-world trip planning use case from our power user, Waki. He planned a trip to Malaysia from scratch using Heptabase and wrote a travelogue using Heptabase during the journey.

We were amazed by what we saw. We never thought Heptabase could be used this way. Now, we are all eager to plan our next trip using Heptabase.

You can find more information about this use case through the following link.

Dear Heptabase User,

Starting from last week, we have been posting a copy of each newsletter on our public wiki. If you missed the email or want to check out our updates at any time, you know where to find us!

Some users have told us that they felt last week's content was a bit too long, so this week we have made the updates a little shorter (really). We hope you will still enjoy them!

Use case - Use Heptabase to plan your dream adventures


In early September, one of our Discord community members, 小腸 (f800913), shared her creative use of Heptabase. She introduced her "Dream Whiteboard," which featured a world map in the center, with colored cards representing different continents and their associated events. You can explore this unique use case in more detail through the following link.

Dear Heptabase User,

Last month, we officially launched Heptabase 1.0. If you happened to miss the related news, please take a look at this complete update article.

Starting this month, we are making changes to the way and frequency of sending updates to you. In addition to reviewing the features we have built, we also want to provide more valuable content, such as our users' use cases, tips for using Heptabase, and educational content related to Heptabase that we have recently discovered. At the same time, we will be publishing our newsletter on our public wiki, so you can easily share it with your friends. We hope you will enjoy these new changes!

Use case - Journal Calendar Whiteboard


Although we designed Heptabase as a tool for learning and research, we're constantly surprised and amazed by how users use this tool in ways that we never thought of before. In early September, one of our users, Panta (pantaberuhito), shared how he built a calendar using journals and whiteboards. You can learn more about his use case at the following link.