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Dear Heptabase User,

Last month, we officially launched Heptabase 1.0. If you happened to miss the related news, please take a look at this complete update article.

Starting this month, we are making changes to the way and frequency of sending updates to you. In addition to reviewing the features we have built, we also want to provide more valuable content, such as our users' use cases, tips for using Heptabase, and educational content related to Heptabase that we have recently discovered. At the same time, we will be publishing our newsletter on our public wiki, so you can easily share it with your friends. We hope you will enjoy these new changes!

Use case - Journal Calendar Whiteboard​


Although we designed Heptabase as a tool for learning and research, we're constantly surprised and amazed by how users use this tool in ways that we never thought of before. In early September, one of our users, Panta (pantaberuhito), shared how he built a calendar using journals and whiteboards. You can learn more about his use case at the following link.