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Heptabase Update - Backlinks from everything, share your whiteboard with us, and more!

Dear Heptabase User,

We hope you are doing well!

Recently, we have been upgrading the backend system and actively conducting internal tests.

Additionally, we are about to publish Heptabase Fundamentals 103. If you haven't watched the previous episodes, take this opportunity to review them!

Use case: Share your whiteboard with us!

Since last September, we've shared 13 different ways to use Heptabase in our newsletters, to help you discover the capabilities of Heptabase. It brings us joy when users tell us they have learned something new from these use cases.

We believe this approach is worth expanding. If you are proud of your whiteboard and willing to share it with other users, please email us at to share your whiteboard (link or screenshot) with us, and include the following items in your email:

  • How do you want your name to appear?
  • What's your job and profession?
  • Is there any additional information you'd like to add? For example, why you want to share this, what tips you applied on the whiteboard, etc.

We thank you for sharing your work with us!

Now, you can see a card's backlinks from Text Properties, Text Elements, Mindmap Text Nodes, Arrows, and Sections!

(Has anyone noticed that different icons have been designed for arrows pointing in different directions? Feel free to check it out! 😎)

Tip: Select all blocks of the current card

When you are editing something in Heptabase, you can press the Esc key to select the current block.

When you do so, you will enter block selection mode, allowing you to press Cmd/Ctrl + A to select all blocks without manually dragging a selection box.

This tip can make your use of the block menu more convenient!


The DPA channel mentioned us as “The winner of visual note taking apps”. Do you agree with him? 😉

We hope we can see more in-depth reviews from DPA!

Mandarin content

YouTube 頻道《槓桿生活 | QQ》近期製作了兩集很棒的影片,一個是 Heptabase 的基礎教學,另一個則是介紹如何透過 Heptabase 深度學習一支影片。歡迎你參考看看!

另一篇想分享的內容是來自《大熊玩行銷》網站的 Heptabase 新手教學 。這篇教學從註冊步驟開始教起,如果你身邊有人對 Heptabase 感興趣,歡迎把這篇新手教學推坑給他們參考!

We hope that these updates will improve your experience on Heptabase and make your learning easier and more enjoyable.

If you have any feedback or suggestions, or you want to share your use cases or contents related to Heptabase, please don't hesitate to chat with us in our Discord Community or send to .

Stay tuned for future updates, and we hope you have a great day!

Best regards,

Heptabase Team