Dear Heptabase User,
We want to share with you that Heptabase has won the Product Hunt's 2023 Golden Kitty Award in the Personal Productivity category! We sincerely thank you for your support and votes!
In the previous newsletter, we shared the first episode of our new video tutorial series: "Heptabase Fundamentals 101: Sense-making with whiteboards," and many users have found it very helpful. If you haven't watched it yet, we highly recommend you check it out!
This week, we want to share the second episode with you.
Use case: Organizing topics with nested whiteboards and tab groups
In this tutorial video, Alan went through his own whiteboards to share real-world examples of how to organize different topics with nested whiteboards and tab groups. If you have a lot of cards and want to learn how to organize them, we highly recommend checking this out!
Right Sidebar: Card word counts, whiteboard backlinks & table of content, PDF highlights, Journal task panel
In the last two weeks, we have implemented some quality-of-life right sidebar features and improvements for you, including displaying:
- Word counts of a card.
- Backlinks and table of contents of a whiteboard.
- All tasks due on a journal date.
- All highlights of a PDF card.
Within this new design, whenever you open something as a tab, you can use the right sidebar to see all relevant information. We hope you find this intuitive!
App: Whiteboard history
Four months ago, we implemented version history for cards. Now, we have also implemented version history for the whiteboard, which takes regular snapshots of your whiteboard so that you can easily restore previous versions. This way, you no longer have to worry about messing up your whiteboards.
For more information, please refer to our documentation: How to restore my cards and whiteboards from version history?
Heptabase Related Contents
We found this new tutorial created by Greg to be very user-friendly and comprehensive. We are excited to see more detailed reviews in the future!
Also, we want to share another well-done Portuguese introduction made by our user Daniel. If you or your friends speak Portuguese, we believe it (and Daniel's other videos) will be helpful to you!
Mandarin content
這週我們想跟你分享的是來自超級瑪奇頻道的「Heptabase 工作實例分享」,我們非常喜歡看這些實際的使用案例,每次都能給我們新的啟發。如果你對別人怎麼用 Heptabase 感興趣,歡迎參考看看!
上週末,Alan 在台灣的 YouTube 頻道志祺七七的訪談節目播出了,如果你對 Heptabase 的創立故事以及早期驗證市場需求的方式感興趣,歡迎你看看這集訪談的精華影片!如果你想看(聽)完整版的 Podcast ,歡迎點擊這個連結。
最後想分享兩篇來自用戶阿蔡的文章,一篇是介紹 Heptabase 的同步機制,另一篇則是分享為什麼喜歡 Heptabase ,我們覺得從這些文字都看得出來阿蔡很深度地在使用 Heptabase ,也很了解 Heptabase 的價值和願景,看到這些文字讓我們非常感動,也推薦大家看看!
掌握 Heptabase 同步運作機制,再也不怕手機、平板編輯後搞丟筆記,就算不見了也找得回來! - Reading Strength
Heptabase 就像一個靈魂伴侶,他的承諾讓我們不再尋找下一個替代的筆記軟體,終結 All in one 的尋覓之旅 - Reading Strength
Updates from the Heptabase team
In the past few weeks, we have started a physical co-work for 2 days a week. To be honest, it was a bit strange the first time we did this when you see all people in a room using Heptabase at the same time. Have you ever seen any people (especially strangers) in real life using Heptabase? If you come across someone like that next time, feel free to say hello and send us a group photo! 😍
We hope that these updates will improve your experience on Heptabase and make your learning easier and more enjoyable.
If you have any feedback or suggestions, or you want to share your use cases or contents related to Heptabase, please don't hesitate to chat with us in our Discord Community or send to .
Stay tuned for future updates, and we hope you have a great day!
Best regards,
Heptabase Team