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Heptabase Update - Video Card, Card Table of Content, Whiteboard Quick Access & Trash Can, and more!

Dear Heptabase User,

We hope you are doing well!

Since we released Heptabase 1.0 in September of last year, many new users have joined Heptabase and asked us if we have any video tutorials for the latest version of Heptabase. Therefore, we have decided to create a new series of tutorials, and we just released the first one: "Heptabase Fundamentals 101: Sense-making with whiteboards.”

Use case: Sense-making with whiteboards

In this tutorial video, Alan explains the most important thing that Heptabase can do: using the whiteboard to make sense of a topic that you care about by breaking down large reading notes into atomic knowledge cards and synthesizing them with sections, arrows, and mindmaps. We hope you find it helpful!

App: Video Card Filter and Action

Starting from version v1.19.0, you can add YouTube videos or your own uploaded videos to the card library, turning them into video cards. This update allows you to mention video cards anywhere and add tags to them, as well as view their backlinks.

App: Whiteboard Trash Can

Now, if you accidentally delete whiteboards, you don't have to restore them from a full backup. You can click on the Heptabase logo at the top left corner and go to the trash can to see your deleted whiteboards and restore them easily.

Whiteboard: Quick Access

As you add more content to Heptabase, you might notice that it's becoming difficult to find certain whiteboards. To make things easier, you can now hover over the Map app in the left sidebar to see a list of all the whiteboards and sub-whiteboards. You can use this list to quickly navigate to the specific whiteboard you want to access.

Another great feature we recently launched is the card's table of contents. If you have a card open in a new tab, you can open the right sidebar and find the table of contents icon. It will show you a list of headings and toggle headings in your card. Clicking on a heading will take you directly to the relevant paragraphs.

The table of contents for the whiteboard is coming soon too!

We really like this article! It introduced a detailed list of features for Heptabase and shared a lot of experiences that only experienced users would notice. We highly recommend it!

This thorough article talks about not only the features of Heptabase, but also some related mental models. We like how the author Marvix cleverly integrates these contents together, which is very enjoyable!

We found a cool YouTube video this week. Even though it's in Mandarin, you don't need to understand the language to enjoy it. The creator, 阿蔡, made a time-lapse video showing how he gathers information for New Year's Eve events. It's really impressive how this video captures the changes of the whiteboard .

If you feel inspired and begin creating similar time-lapse videos, please share them with us!

Mandarin content

最近我們看到愈來愈多人分享自己的 Heptabase 特殊用法,下面這兩篇來自用戶小腸與阿蔡的分享都很棒,如果你很好奇別人都怎麼用 Heptabase ,相信這兩篇會對你有幫助!

另外,我們也看到了這篇非常真誠的回顧心得,我們很喜歡看大家分享自己對於 Heptabase 的理解以及詮釋,推薦你閱讀!

We hope that these updates will improve your experience on Heptabase and make your learning easier and more enjoyable.

If you have any feedback or suggestions, or you want to share your use cases or contents related to Heptabase, please don't hesitate to chat with us in our Discord Community or send to .

Stay tuned for future updates, and we hope you have a great day!

Best regards,

Heptabase Team