Updated: 2024-11-24
Priority 1​
- Mobile App: Quick Capture
- Mobile App: PDF Highlight and Annotation on iPad & Tablet
- Mobile App: Handwriting
- Collaboration: Single Card Sharing
- App: Publishing
- Whiteboard: Better alignment guide
- Whiteboard: Batch resize
- PDF: Improve performance and bug fixes
Priority 2​
- Whiteboard: Focus Block(s) of a Card
- Highlight: Create Cards for Source
- Editor: Mention & Embed blocks
- App: Readwise Integration v3
Priority 3​
- App: Space Repetition & Flashcards
- App: Zotero Integration
- Task App: New Task, Undo/redo, Search
- Whiteboard: Live Query & Integration with Tags and Properties
- Whiteboard: Global Undo & Redo with Editor
- Editor: Font Style, Font Size, Width