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Version Changelog - 2022

Link to Changelog - 2023

v0.245.0 - Editor: Performance Optimization​

December 30, 2022

  • Editor: Improved performance.
  • Editor: Fixed issue with pasting content in the wrong position.

December 27, 2022

  • Editor: Backlinks for blocks and annotations
    • added links from annotations to the backlink section.
    • added "links to block" to the backlink section.
    • added a button in each backlink to help you jump back to the original reference block in one click.

v0.242.0 - PDF Highlight & Annotation​

December 24, 2022

  • App: PDF Text Highlight & Annotation

v0.240.2 - Editor Upgrade​

December 22, 2022

  • Editor: Upgrade Performance
  • Editor: Text Color & Text Background Color
  • Editor: Change Table Width
  • Editor: Multi-blocks in Table Cell
  • Editor: Link to block


December 16, 2022

  • Fix cannot use mouse in math input

v0.237.0 - App: Prev/Next for whiteboard cards & popup windows​

December 15, 2022

  • App: Prev/Next for whiteboard cards & popup windows

v0.235.0 - PDF Cards v2​

December 8, 2022

  • App: PDF Cards v2
    • Open PDF in split mode.
    • Drag PDF directly into whiteboards.
    • Support East Asian text in PDF files.

v0.233.0 - PDF Cards v1​

December 4, 2022

  • App: PDF Cards v1
    • Import PDF files into the Card Library as cards
    • Mention PDF cards from the note cards' editor
    • Open PDF cards in the popup window, tab, right sidebar, etc
    • Put PDF cards on whiteboards
    • Sync all PDF cards across devices in real-time
    • Access all PDF cards offline


December 2, 2022

  • Upgrade db implementation.


November 29, 2022

  • improve sync initialization performance

v0.225.0 - Whiteboard: Journal Objects​

November 20, 2022

  • Whiteboard: Journal Objects


November 18, 2022

  • Bug fix: solve freezing issue during initialization


November 14, 2022

  • Journal: Use Monday as first day
  • Bug Fixed:
    • Editor: Unable to Cmd + F search
    • Editor: Make Table Content searchable
    • App: Backup performance issue


November 6, 2022

  • let a user choose an auto backup location when backing up failed
  • fix the issue that mention connections will be turned on after a manual connection is drawn
  • remove auto detect navigation mode, store selected navigation mode to preference

November 5, 2022

  • Whiteboard: Connection arrows for card mention links
  • prevent from scrolling a whiteboard when scrolling the suggestion menu


November 2, 2022

  • Editor: Image Download
  • Whiteboard: No-directional & Bi-directional connections


November 1, 2022

  • Whiteboard: Mouse Mode & Trackpad Mode
  • Editor: Link performance & navigation optimization


October 30, 2022

  • Start with an H1 block when creating a card
  • Don't open a new card tab if there's an existing tab
  • Don't show already discarded Readwise highlights
  • Bug fixed: show the update banner

If you’re in v0.212.0 ~ v0.216.0, you won’t be able to see the update banner. To update Heptabase, you can either open it, wait for 5-10 minutes, and then reopen it to auto-update. You can also download the latest version from our website.

v0.216.0 - Readwise Integration​

October 28, 2022

  • App: Readwise Integration v1
    • Instruction: How to connect Heptabase to Readwise?

v0.214.0 - Connection to everything​

October 27, 2022

  • Whiteboard: Connection to everything (card, whiteboard, text, section)


October 25, 2022

  • Store empty lines in the cards.


October 24, 2022

  • Performance: prevent unnecessary re-rendering
  • Bug fixed: allow to remove a whiteboard instance without a whiteboard

v0.211.0 - Real-time Sync​

October 23, 2022

  • App: Real-time sync


October 22, 2022

  • sync with cloud sync before upgrading to real-time sync on all existing devices
  • delete cards when undo creating card instances
  • clicking sync icon always navigate to setting panel


October 19, 2022

  • display invalid card instances


October 17, 2022

  • After almost three months of development, we're happy to announce that we've finished the development of real-time sync across multiple devices and will start beta testing today!
  • If you want to participate in the beta testing, please upgrade Heptabase to v0.207.0 on all devices you use and fill out this form. We'll open the feature toggle for you this afternoon (October 17, 2022 1:00 PM GMT+8 timezone).


October 13, 2022

  • speed up tutorial video
  • change upload all-data behavior


October 8, 2022

  • add real-time sync for heptabase internal team testing


October 3, 2022

  • migrate legacy id
  • go to ContentNotExistPage when the data related to the route is missing
  • add reducers for sync rx to use
  • adjust the zoom percent style
  • zoom to fit all whiteboards on Map


September 25, 2022

  • Whiteboard: Text Blocks
  • change the option β€œPaste” order
  • not move section titles inside when the whiteboard zoom is small
  • change an object's position which is relative to the cursor when pasting them
  • display the exact date in card info if the difference is greater than one week


September 20, 2022

  • Editor: Show Created & Laste Edited Time


September 18, 2022

  • Update Tutorial


September 14, 2022

  • Whiteboard: Section


September 2, 2022

  • improve the performance


August 29, 2022

  • Bug fixed: not change the whiteboard objects when the active whiteboard changes
  • Bug fixed: cannot translate a canvas when wheeling a folded card instance
  • Bug fixed: cannot open the app because of the invalid data type
  • remove the beta badge


August 29, 2022

  • improve the performance
  • Bug fixed: cannot open the app because of the invalid data type


August 29, 2022

  • show the snackbar after adding cards to a whiteboard
  • hide the tooltip when wheeling the canvas
  • Bug fixed: cannot open the app because of the invalid data type


August 28, 2022

  • modify the styles
  • change the loader
  • auto focus the search input when opening the import panel
  • keep the card info and the date info show/hide status
  • improve the performance on Card Library


August 27, 2022

  • auto translate whiteboard objects when they are moved to near the edge
  • Bug fixed: move a cursor to the next line when pressing the enter key
  • improve the whiteboard performance


August 22, 2022

  • migrate the data to prepare for real-time sync
  • add the Windows code signing certificate
  • Bug fixed: prevent from displaying trashed cards data
  • Bug fixed: avoid the select mode in a shared whiteboard page
  • limit a tag name to 255 length maximum
  • limit a whiteboard name to 255 length maximum


August 19, 2022

  • migrate the data


August 19, 2022

  • migrate the data to prepare for real-time sync


August 17, 2022

  • Bug fixed: shared whiteboard connections disappear


August 17, 2022

  • migrate the connections data to prepare for real-time sync


August 15, 2022

  • change card background colors


August 10, 2022

  • Whiteboard: Journal Link Reference v1
  • Avoid the shortcuts conflict
  • Create a card with the mouse
  • Migrating data schema for future real-time sync implementation
  • Fix journal tapping issue


August 2, 2022

  • change the shortcuts
  • prevent inspecting connections when highlighting
  • set the card category to Tags when clicking a tag


August 1, 2022

  • Whiteboard: Breadcrumb
  • Remove auto zoom in when clicking a card instance in a small zoom
  • Bug fixed: move a cursor to the next line when pressing the enter key


July 29, 2022

  • Search: Multi-tag & whiteboard filter


July 23, 2022

  • Editor: Better Block Design
  • fix a tiny offset of drop cursor on whiteboard card instance
  • fix blank screen when entering journal in command palette
  • correct the tooltip of the filter linked reference
  • prevent browsers from opening the internal link
  • update default data.


July 20, 2022

  • Whiteboard: Card Link Reference
  • Editor: Copy Link
  • Tap to click on mac.


July 18, 2022

  • Editor: Table
  • Add tag section to cardInfo
  • Remove duplicates from outgoing links in card info
  • Fix sync issue
  • Shortcut to switch between the Journal, Map, Card Library, and Tags


July 16, 2022

  • App: Prev/Next
  • switch between the apps by shortcuts


July 13, 2022

  • Editor: Toggle List
  • fix dropping image position shift


July 10, 2022

  • fix app is frozen when opening the menu


July 9, 2022

  • Editor: Drag & Drop improvement


July 8, 2022

  • Editor: Mention a whiteboard
  • fix paste link from edge browser issue
  • modify and fix the colors
  • remove the @ in mention link derived title
  • fix React unmount issue about math node
  • fix input pos not auto adjust according to math rect issue
  • fix journal sidebar overlap when window resizes
  • fix the transition of the right sidebar on Journal


July 5, 2022

  • Editor: Mention a date


July 3, 2022

  • App: Remember App State & Windows Size
  • Bug fixed: cannot copy, cut, delete, and duplicate a block when the block menu is open or after clicking outside to close it


July 2, 2022

  • add a card to a whiteboard by Shift + Enter on the command palette
  • defer initializing the height of the card instance
  • create a card instance in the center of the whiteboard by the shortcut


June 29, 2022

  • Editor: Block menu
  • Editor: Turn blocks into a card
  • fix card reference logic
  • fix journal timezone issue
  • fix markdown inline break be collapsed into a line


June 26, 2022

  • add the cards action bar on Card Library
  • change the Markdown heading styles
  • improve enter behavior in the beginning of a quote
  • improve Shift + Enter behavior in the beginning of a code block
  • Bug fixed: the history problem in a code block


June 24, 2022

  • App: Journal
  • Card Library: Timeline Mode
  • App: Tag Redesign


June 20, 2022

  • show placeholder at any empty line on Markdown
  • Bug fixed: cannot select on Markdown


June 20, 2022

  • Bug fixed: Markdown parsing


June 20, 2022

  • Bug fixed: ==/~~/++ parsing recursion too deep
  • add the button to clear filter on Card Library


June 19, 2022

  • Editor: Create or mention a card from existing text
  • Editor: Show full linked reference
  • close the menu when 5 no results
  • add the progress bar of the tutorial
  • Bug fixed: slash menu styles
  • Bug fixed: the position of the context menu on Card Library


June 18, 2022

  • update the tutorial for Map and Whiteboard
  • add the tutorial for Card Library
  • remove jumping into Map by Esc key on a whiteboard


June 15, 2022

  • detect if the selection box nears the viewport edge to scroll Card Library
  • open the slash menu between texts
  • add inline math to the slash menu


June 14, 2022

  • press Ctrl + Click to import a mention link card on Windows
  • Bug fixed: cannot use Ctrl + Shift + E on Windows
  • Bug fixed: inline math cannot display when it is surrounded with space
  • Bug fixed: not display scrollbar in the slash menu


June 12, 2022

  • Editor: Better Math Editing Experience in Latex
  • Whiteboard: Change the viewport edge with the selection box
  • Fix cannot show shared whiteboard in Safari


June 10, 2022

  • improve the canvas zoom for mouse users
  • open the context menu by double click on Map
  • create a card on Whiteboard continuously by the shortcut (Cmd/Ctrl + Option/Shift + N) and zoom to fit


June 8, 2022

  • add shortcuts:
    • zoom to fit by Cmd/Ctrl + 0
    • open the settings by Cmd/Ctrl + ,
    • export the backup by Cmd/Ctrl + Shift + E

v0.151.0 - Editor: Better mention menu​

June 7, 2022

  • Editor: Mention menu preview and better ]] behavior
  • add shortcuts:
    • show the card info by Alt/Option + Shift + I
    • toggle the right sidebar of the card tab by Cmd/Ctrl + Option/Shift + \
    • toggle the theme by Cmd/Ctrl + Option/Shift + L
  • Bug fixed: drop the block of the whiteboard in the pop-up editor
  • Bug fixed: cannot use the tidy up menu


June 6, 2022

  • close the menu or the scrim window by the Esc key
  • focus the editor after closing the menu or the scrim window
  • avoid the menu bar by the Alt key on Windows


June 3, 2022

  • Bug fixed: drag a block from a pop-up card
  • Bug fixed: not handle the shortcuts of a reference card


June 1, 2022

  • Bug fixed: cannot pitch to zoom on MacOS

v0.148.0 - App: more shortcuts​

June 1, 2022

  • add shortcuts
    • add or move to whiteboard by Cmd/Ctrl + M
    • manage tags by Cmd/Ctrl + T
    • create a main card of a tab or a card on a whiteboard by Cmd/Ctrl + Option/Shift + N
    • Jump to next tab by Ctrl + Tab
    • Jump to prev tab by Ctrl + Shift + Tab
  • Bug fixed: title not correct when there is a yaml frontmatter


May 31, 2022

  • new rule of fit-to-content
  • multiple selection by Ctrl+Click on Windows
  • Bug fixed: blurred canvas


May 29, 2022

  • Whiteboard: Prev navigation
  • open the context menu by Ctrl+Click on macOS


May 28, 2022

  • Bug fixed: moving the whiteboard when moving a cursor in the pop-up editor
  • Bug fixed: pasted the connections not preserve their custom directions
  • Bug fixed: the undo/redo shortcut

May 27, 2022

  • App: Universal Search with Cmd + O

v0.143.0 - Whiteboard: Nesting & Linking​

May 26, 2022

  • Whiteboard: Nesting

v0.141.0 - Editor: Video embed​

May 23, 2022

  • Editor: Video embed


May 19, 2022

  • Bug fixed: uploading zip in Windows
  • Bug fixed: convert embed to link and remove yaml frontmatter
  • Bug fixed: cannot undo/redo when caps lock is on in Windows
  • Bug fixed: an issue that backspace at header with selection will become paragraph

v0.140.0 - Map: Change whiteboard’s color​

May 17, 2022

  • Map: Change Whiteboard Color
  • Bug fixed: clear the tag input when finishing adding a tag
  • Bug fixed: fix parsing issue of emphasis mark in combination with =, ~, and +


May 14, 2022

  • App: Import Markdown Vault
  • Bug fixed: cannot delete a card in a card tab
  • Bug fixed: cannot type tags by Boshiamy IME

May 7, 2022

  • Editor: Link reference & Info
  • Bug fixed: copy code block being parsed as pure text
  • Bug fixed: always display the default name when creating a whiteboard


May 5, 2022

  • Fix some bugs

May 4, 2022

  • Editor: Update card link with card’s title (like Notion, Roam, etc)
  • Allow to search single character
  • Require the user to provide a valid backup location
  • Auto back up conflict data
  • Make the loading screen dark


May 1, 2022

  • Editor: Change block format


April 30, 2022

  • fix the initialization issue


April 30, 2022

  • prevent the stale state due to debounce in Markdown mode of the split panel
  • fix the style in Markdown mode of the split panel


April 28, 2022

  • fix syncing issue


April 27, 2022

  • Search performance optimization
  • prevent the card content from offsetting when scrollbar displays
  • Bug fixed: paste todo list into bullet list
  • Bug fixed: whiteboard items on top of the update banner
  • Bug fixed: record the scroll top of the card tab

v0.131.0 - App: Global Full-text Search + Editor improvement​

April 25, 2022

  • Command Palette: Global Full-text Search
  • Editor: List usability improvement
  • Whiteboard: display the Markdown-only mode in the split panel.
  • App: Type Cmd/Ctrl + W to close a working tab.


April 24, 2022

  • Bug fixed: prevent the app from crashing when deleting multiple cards on the whiteboard

April 23, 2022

  • Whiteboard: Full text search for cards
  • Command Palette: Redesign UI
  • App: Cmd/Ctrl + N to create a new card


April 20, 2022

  • Make the date the default whiteboard name
  • Bug fixed: code block being triggered in a paragraph when pressing enter
  • Bug fixed: selection offset on the whiteboard
  • Bug fixed: auto update fails on Windows


April 18, 2022

  • Update the default tutorial data


April 18, 2022

  • Update the whiteboard style on Map
  • Fix the outdated schema error when syncing with cloud


April 16, 2022

  • Fix the Markdown parsing issues

v0.125.0 - App: Customized scroll bar​

April 12, 2022

  • App: Dark theme for Windows
  • Customize the scrollbar
  • Bug fixed: floating menu disappear
  • Bug fixed: fix try again cloud sync doesn't work

v0.124.0 - Editor: Remember last used language for code blocks​

April 12, 2022

  • Remember last used language for code blocks
  • Add Plaintext type for code blocks
  • Improve block selection algorithm
  • Cmd/Ctrl + D to duplicate current selection
  • Cmd/Ctrl + A to select all block when there is block selection.
  • Cmd/Ctrl + / to select current text selection block
  • ArrowUp & ArrowDown to select neighboring block

v0.123.0 - Whiteboard: Customized arrow direction​

April 10, 2022

  • Whiteboard: Customized arrow direction
  • fix moving whiteboard when pressing the arrow keys in math block
  • fix highlight parsing issue for CJK language

v0.122.0 - Editor: Full text search for the content​

April 6, 2022

  • Editor: Full text search for the content

v0.121.0 - Editor: Image Resize​

April 4, 2022

  • Editor: Image Resize & Align
  • fix cannot type Chinese in task item
  • prevent pressing Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + S to sync
  • update the tab title when it was changed

v0.120.0 - Editor: Move block with keyboard​

April 3, 2022

  • Editor: Move block with keyboard


April 2, 2022

  • Whiteboard: Bulk fold cards

v0.118.0 - Whiteboard: Drag blocks across cards​

April 1, 2022

  • Whiteboard: Drag blocks across cards
  • keep a card's history and scroll position on the whiteboard
  • support any links (including the file and hook link)
  • fix the markdown paste link and the image recognition issue
  • undo/redo moving cards by arrow keys
  • not copy the color when clicking a card link to create a card


March 31, 2022

  • Whiteboard: Drag blocks to create a card

v0.116.0 - Whiteboard: Tidy up​

March 30, 2022

  • Whiteboard: Tidy up
  • fix cannot not use the tag operations menu on the Tags app
  • remove the whiteboard tab when it has been deleted


March 28, 2022

  • App: Empty Trash
  • Whiteboard: Undo/Redo creating cards & connections

v0.114.1 - Editor: Select multiple blocks​

March 27, 2022

  • Editor: Multi-select blocks
  • Fix mobile whiteboard rendering bug


March 26, 2022

  • App: Ctrl/Cmd + S to sync
  • App: Manually check for updates

v0.112.0 - Whiteboard: Auto-content fit​

March 24, 2022

  • Whiteboard: Auto-content fit


March 23, 2022

  • prevent unfocusing the card when pressing space key in it on the whiteboard
  • fix the syncing issue

v0.111.0 - Editor: spell check, markdown export​

March 22, 2022

  • Editor: Toggle spell check
  • Editor: Markdown export

v0.110.0 - Whiteboard: Direct edit cards during split mode​

March 21, 2022

  • Whiteboard: Direct edit cards during split mode


March 19, 2022

  • App: Let China’s user login without VPN
  • improve the whiteboard performance of drawing a selection box
  • disable spellcheck temporarily

v0.108.0 - Whiteboard: Performance Optimization (resize, move)​

March 17, 2022

  • Whiteboard: Performance Optimization (resize, move)

v0.107.0 - Whiteboard: Performance Optimization (zoom, scroll)​

March 15, 2022

  • Whiteboard: Performance Optimization (zoom, scroll)
  • Editor: Enable spell check
  • Hide the menu bar for Windows users


March 14, 2022

  • App: Let China’s user upload image without VPN
  • App: Let China’s user sync without VPN
  • Cmd + Enter to capture a card from Timeline

v0.105.0 - Whiteboard: Undo/Redo card resizing, fold state, colors​

March 11, 2022

  • Whiteboard: Undo/Redo card resizing, fold state, colors

v0.104.0 - Whiteboard: Undo/redo card movement​

March 10, 2022

  • Whiteboard: Undo/Redo card movement

v0.103.0 - Whiteboard: Fit to content, alt drag duplicate​

March 10, 2022

  • Whiteboard: Fit to content
  • Whiteboard: Alt + drag to duplicate cards
  • don't add filename to the content when importing markdown
  • fix pasting Microsoft word text as image
  • fix cannot delete the only card on a card tab
  • prevent the β€œInvalid character in header content” error when there are Chinese characters

v0.102.0 - Editor: Paste text as markdown​

March 9, 2022

  • Editor: Paste text as markdown
  • improved the whiteboard experience
  • fixed cannot delete card with control-click

March 8, 2022

  • Editor: Paste url on text to create hyperlink
  • Editor: Cmd + K to add link on text


March 7, 2022

  • Whiteboard: Show menu for multi-cards action without right-click
  • Add multiple cards from one whiteboard to another whiteboard
  • Fix the bug of moving folded cards while drawing connection arrows


March 7, 2022

  • Whiteboard: Redesign right click context menu
  • Tutorial: Allow users to skip steps
  • allow users to skip each step of the tutorial
  • fix several minor bugs

v0.98.0 - Editor: Foldable bullet list​

March 5, 2022

  • Editor: Foldable bullet list


March 4, 2022

  • Editor: Create cards on a card tab
  • Editor: Auto-add hyperlink on pasting urls

v0.95.0 - Editor: Drag & drop a block​

March 1, 2022

  • Editor: Drag & drop a block

v0.94.0 - Whiteboard: Open multiple cards into a multi-pane tab​

February 28, 2022

  • Whiteboard: Open multiple cards into a multi-pane tab
  • Whiteboard: Drag & drop tabs


February 27, 2022

  • Tab: Swap cards in multi-panel


February 26, 2022

  • Editor: Backspace remove heading

v0.91.0 - Tab: Multi-pane​

February 26, 2022

  • Map: Improve Performance
  • Tab: Multi-pane


February 23, 2022

  • save the new card to local storage on Timeline
  • fallback to offline mode if APP cannot reach Firestore but it's online


February 23, 2022

  • fix APP crash when escaping command palette
  • do not show the backlink when the card has been deleted
  • support paste html and upload base64 images


February 22, 2022

  • Card Library: Bulk actions on cards

v0.86.0 - Editor: Better markdown mode​

February 21, 2022

  • Editor: Better markdown mode

v0.85.0 - Editor: Better Code Blocks (syntax highlight, tab, etc)​

February 20, 2022

  • Editor: Better Code Blocks (syntax highlight, tab, etc)